Dating Advice with Janice Griffith
We’re back for yet another segment of our Dating Advice series, this time with the sexy Janice Griffith. In these segments, one of our beautiful and experienced Fleshlight Girls gives you advice on how to improve the quality of your relationship with that special someone in your life.
Check out our exclusive interview below or continue reading for today’s today advice brought to you by Fleshlight.
Tip #1: Take No For An Answer
For Janice’s first tip she advises that you “learn to take no for an answer.”
What does this mean exactly?
For example, if you're trying to meet someone at a bar or at a club and they seem disinterested, “don't keep heckling them,” says Janice.
“Trying to wear someone down” is actually kind of creepy. And most people are not into it, especially women.”
Anyways, why waste your time in a war of attrition with someone not interested?
Dating and hooking up is a numbers game. If you get rejected, quickly move on and learn from your mistakes.
Tip #2: Set Clear Boundaries
Next, Janice believes we should all be “establishing clear boundaries early on” in our relationships.
“It's really important to make sure that you know where you stand with someone. And even if it's not a serious relationship.”
Janice Griffith goes on to explain, “It can make casual sex and a quick fling more fun because everything's out on the table.”
We agree.
When it comes to dating, honesty is the best policy.
Tip #3: Eat Clean
As a dude, when it comes to hooking up, we often overlook the fact that our diet heavily dictates the smell and taste of our cum.
Janice Griffith’s third tip revolves around “eating well so that your cum isn't radioactive.”
For her, it once got so bad that she admitted to even “ghosting a guy” she had a crush on after he shared with her his typical, day-to-day, snacks.
So, for example, if your diet includes a regular supply of hot Fritos, Coca-Cola, Slim Jims, or a gas station pickle, you might be a turnoff to the girl on the giving-end of a blowjob.
Take this into consideration when it comes to dating and hooking up.
Tip #4: Buy a Spare Toothbrush
This next tip is obvious, but one we’re sure at least some of us have overlooked over the years.
“Keep a pack of spare toothbrushes at your house, because if you have someone over to offer them fresh breath in the morning and then you don't have to kiss with morning breath.”
No doubt about it; this one is definitely a game-changer.
Tip #5: Don’t Force It
Finally, bear in mind that “it's ok if you and your partner aren't compatible just because on paper, you are.”
The point is this: “You don't have to force something that feels like it's not working.”
We hope you’ve enjoyed this segment of dating advice from Janice Griffith. We here at Fleshlight hope you learned a few actionable steps that you can immediately apply to up your game to increase the quality of your dating life.
Oh, and be sure to pick up Janice Griffith’s Fleshlight here!