Male Pleasure: The Science Behind the Male Orgasm
The first dive into sexual pleasure typically begins just before puberty and starts men on a lifetime journey of self-pleasure. Did you know that around 92% of American men masturbate? This act is so commonplace and perfectly normal for the vast majority of men that most never question what exactly male pleasure is.
And that’s wild. How can men get the most out of every masturbation session without understanding how it works? At Fleshlight, we consider ourselves pleasure aficionados, so let us take you on a journey of sexual discovery.
In this article, we will cover the in-depth definition of male pleasure, all contributing aspects of male pleasure, and give you the best tips for boosting your sexual health practices.
What Exactly is Male Pleasure?
In truth, this is a complex question with many complex answers. In the following sections, we’ll break down the science behind male pleasure, such as the hormones involved and what happens in the brain. But male pleasure is also a mental and even spiritual experience.
Every single individual has a different relationship to their body, their pleasure centers, and their concept of masturbation. We encourage every man to embrace their own experience. Don’t base your knowledge of pleasure on what you think others practice. Simply put, male pleasure is whatever feels good to you.
Maybe masturbation is a part of your nightly ritual, a self-healing method, or a bonding experience with your partner. Whatever pleasure means to you is perfectly valid. The purpose of this deep dive is to help you understand what self-cumming really is physically and drive men to get the best out of every wank session.
The Stages of the Male Orgasm
First things first, we want to be clear that there are no hard and fast rules for how long each stage of orgasm is or how intensely it’s felt. Your perception of sexual self-pleasure can even change from day to day.
However, all of the hormone changes, blood pressure, heart rate, and other physical changes in the male body are consistent and common. If you experience pleasure or masturbation in a vastly different manner, then you may need to schedule a chat with your sex therapist, a urology professional, or other health experts.
Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of the male orgasm (our favorite).
1. Arousal
We’re all familiar with the power of sexual arousal. It can be triggered by prostate stimulation, stroking the scrotum or penile nerve endings, or even a warm breeze.
This fantastic feeling results in symptoms like:
- Heavy breathing
- Sweating
- Tingling sensation in the extremities
- Racing heart
What brings on these marked physical changes is a chemical messenger called acetylcholine. This chemical starts in the brain, where it sets off a series of physical responses. Here they are in order:
- Release of nitric oxide: The chemical compound nitric oxide starts almost immediately. This chemical travels throughout the penile shaft.
- Swelling of the penile arteries: This is where the magic happens. Once the nitric oxide reaches the arteries, the entire shaft will start to swell.
- Full erection: Voila! The completion of the arousal period will result in a full erection that typically lasts for a few minutes up to a half hour.
Arousal can take place in a matter of seconds or over a long period of time. A short arousal can be thrilling and exciting, while a slow build-up can be powerful and intense. What you get into all comes down to preference.
2. Plateau
This phase of male pleasure is often incorrectly looped in with the orgasm, but it’s a completely different beast. The plateau is the brief period of time right before orgasm. Here’s how to recognize when you’re leaving the arousal stage and entering the plateau:
- There is a sudden increase in pre-cum leakage.
- You’ll feel hotter, and your blood pressure will increase.
- Your heart will start beating much faster (between 150 and 175 beats per minute).
- Any thrusting or stroking will become more erratic and even involuntary.
You’ll also notice that sensations will become much more intense and highly pleasurable. For some men, the plateau is their favorite part of masturbation. This period doesn’t last for very long, though, about thirty seconds up to two minutes.
3. Orgasm
It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for—the powerful orgasm. All orgasms signal the near end of the masturbation session, but you’ll also experience some of the most intense sensations during this phase. The orgasm takes place over five to twenty seconds and includes two important steps: the emission and ejaculation.
Many men are unfamiliar with emission or get it confused with ejaculation. Emission is the moment right before final ejaculation when the semen enters the urethra and moves to the tip of the penis.
At this moment, there is no option but to cum. Ejaculation follows, during which the penis will contract and send the sperm streaming from the body. Typically, around 1.5 to 5.0 milliliters of fluid will be released during ejaculation.
Along with the physical reality of ejaculation, your body will be flooded with hormones like oxytocin. This sexual response is incredibly pleasurable.
4. Resolution and Refraction
This is the end of our wild ride. After orgasm, there are several prominent sensations, including relaxation, drowsiness, and lack of focus. The resolution phase is the initial few moments after orgasm. It also includes physical symptoms, like:
- Sensitivity of the penis, testicles, and even erogenous zones
- Slowing of the heart rate
- Drop in blood pressure
- Subdued hormonal response
The next step is refraction. This period could last for fifteen minutes or up to a full day and is defined by the inability to get an erection. The factors that influence the length of the refractory period are mostly age, but other factors like overall health and type of arousal can also have an effect.
Common Issues With Achieving Male Pleasure
Unfortunately, some issues stand in the way of full male pleasure. Here are just some of the factors that get in the way of your self-sex life:
- Erectile dysfunction: Poor sexual function often comes from ED. There are ways to treat and even cure this disorder. Speak to your doctor and get the assistance you deserve.
- Side effects of medication: Medication can affect sexual desire, the functioning of needed sex organs, and more.
- Poor blood flow: If you’re experiencing poor blood flow, it can be tough to get hard and stay hard. Men’s health matters. Seek out needed care.
- Prostate issues: If you’re having trouble with your sex drive or ability to experience full pleasure, then it’s time to get your prostate gland checked for potential issues like prostate cancer.
There are more methods (beyond speaking to a medical professional) that may help males achieve finish. Check out these best practices for getting into top-tier sexual activity:
- Sex toys: Proper sex toys offer everything you need for a powerful orgasm. Who needs sexual partners when you have an anal vibrator or blowjob simulator?
- Exploring new areas: The perineum, male g-spot, base of the penis, and rectum are just some of the body parts that never get enough attention but can help deliver stunning orgasms.
- New positions: Trying out new self-foreplay techniques or positions can result in an insane ejaculatory response.
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